Web Designz


We are located in a small town in Georgia. We are proud to serve you and to fufill your needs. We are commited to providing excellent customer service! Although we work out of one location, we can work remotely, virtually anywhere! Tell others about us if you wish. We will also promote or advertise your products. One way we promote or advertise your business is by charging per month. Another way we do is by charging once a year, However if you decide to go this route it will be discounted as a bundle price and will be significatly cheaper than the monthly plan. Last but not least, we will not charge a dime to promote your business, prodcuct, etc.. if you return the favor by promoting our business website "webfixs.com", however, upon agreeing to the terms, you must be able to provide proof that you are doing so, as we will as well. You could also return the favor by posting or sending our site to at least 1,000 friends per month.That said, it can be social media platforms, text messaging, emailing, etc... the people must be real people, if not then those do not count. We strive to provide you with great service, all we ask is a favor in return. Want to know something cool? If you said yes then listen to this tip: If you promote with us, you can share our website to thousands of people everday, and from there that can also help your business in return!

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